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2004-07-05 - 8:46 p.m.

Rode my bike all over today. Gone almost two hours, yea me. Don't like the highways so much, but occasionally they must be crossed.

Good weekend.

Met the new friend Thursday, and saw Dodgeball. I liked both. We get along quite well, though I think she's a bit more interested in more than I. Of course, that didn't stop the making out last night. Whoa, I hope that doesn't bite me too hard in the ass. I really do like her, just no sure about "That way". OK, enough crap.

The weekend party was good, I had to leave for a few hours, and when I got back, everyone was fucked up. The Rhino left a little bit of his dinner on the side of the road. I cleaned the rest off my car. Good Times. satellitebob was there, good to see him and his new girl. She was cool, but I wasn't sure if she spoke english at first. Hey, she was quiet, what can I say.

Going to see some Spiderman tonight wih some of the TV folk. Called the new friend (I'll call her Phooey from now on) to see what was going on. Invited her to the late movie, thought she pass seein' as how she works early, but I was wrong, so now she gets to meet some TV folk. Not Dirty Rob Luckily. This is what makes me think she may be a little to eager. Need to slow it down. Of course, we're going out Thursday, great.

Gotta remember to get Old 97's night off and get a ticket! Damn me for being a forgetful procrastinator.

There's a new girl at work, she does the overnight MC, but despite that she's kinda cute and cool, in a nerdy kinda way. I think she'll fit in nicely.

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