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2004-06-30 - 1:55 a.m.

Yes indeed the internet is a wonderful thing. Keeping up with my diary has taken a backseat unfortunately.

So if all goes well, I may meet a new friend Thursday. It's just weird, about two weeks ago I was browsin' the freaks on myspace and came across a person with Hong Kong Phooey as there picture. Well, after consulting my Hong Kong Book of Kung Fu, and seeing that this person was in Austin, AND not some damn 18 year old with to much computer savvy and not near enough brains, I felt I had to comment. Turns out we seem to get along amazingly well. Might as well figure out if we really stand a chance of being friends. I've definitely come a long way from when I started this diary. Good.

I keep bumping into Tequila. She seems cool and all, but it's kinda weird. Not the bumping into, hell I still go where she works for coffee and food. Just weird 'cause I thought she'd be mad at me for not calling by now. I'm too busy, and not to mention not really interested in dating a 23 year old former junkie divorced mom who wants to go on Maury Povich to find her dad. All true.

Well, my old roomie TLC is finally dropping the TV bitch. Freedom! Cool for her, she'll regain her sanity. I'm invited to her Vegas Wedding next year and plan to attend, too.

I'm planning to get to exercising regularly again soon. It's just so much easier to sit and drink sometimes.

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